


In Frankfurt one Friday 18 months ago (Carnegie's tome is still wildly popular in Germany), I had lunch with Amazon.com founder Jeff Bezos. I asked him how he came to quit a successful Wall Street career in mid-1994 to found a highly risky venture like Amazon.com. Bezos said that when he tried to quit, his boss, hedge-fund legend D.H. Shaw, tried to talk him out of it. Bezos agreed to go home and think the decision over one more time. And to do so, he said, he had to come up with a formula for analyzing the choice before him.

"I developed a theory I call, 'Regret minimization,'" Bezos told me. "I asked myself, 'When I'm 80 years old and look back on this, will I regret having given up an almost certain multimillion-dollar bonus to go out and start my own company?'"

"Of course you would," was my own reply. "Who wouldn't regret losing millions of dollars?"

But Bezos saw things differently. "Of course I wouldn't," he responded. "At age 80, I doubt if I will even remember the bonus. But if I had passed up the chance to participate in a historic opportunity like the development of the World Wide Web, I would have regretted it for the rest of my life. When I applied the theory of regret minimization to the situation, my choice was clear."

やらなかったことを後悔するのは最悪だ 前にも書いたけど仕事と仕事いがいのやりたいこと全部やろう いまラインに課長とおれしかいない だから色々あって面白いし ほかの会社でいいかんじでやってる友だちとかみたら このぐらいでべつに普通じゃないかなとおもう 仕事終わってGraffiti Research Lab in Kyotoてのに参加もできててまた別でまとめを書きたいとおもう あと 例えば引越しをするというとお金なくなっちゃうねとか言われるが bezosがここで'regret minimize'と言ってるののどこに基準をおいてregret minimizeするかだとおもう 短期的にminimizeするなら格安でdoor to door 5分で友だちも沢山いるとこにいたほうがよい でも長期的にminimizeするならちがうとおもったし 仕事自体もちがうんだろうとおもった 別にビジョンがあるわけではないし むしろそれは毒なきがする よくわかんねー熱みたいのにうかされて 中二よばわり上等ってかんじで (例えば建築家の石山修武をみよ)

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